- GET UP EARLY : Getting up early is the beginning of orderly living. Early to bed and early to rise.
- Do exercises/Yoga and meditation :Do not skip to do exercises/Yoga for at least 15 min. in the morning. It keeps your body fit and removes internal disorders. Your tummy is inversely proportional to your orderliness and self discipline. Meditation gives you mental strength through calmness.
- Maintain Good eating habits : Eat more natural foods.Avoid overeating. Maintain timely eating.
- Dress well : Dress has got tremendous impact on your bioplasmic energy. It not only anchors you to be positive, tidy, alert and fresh. It influences others as well.
- PUNCTUALITY : An orderly person can never be late !! There will be no hurry in your work if you are punctual.
- Keep your work place and home orderly : This has a strong impact on your mind, and anchors you to be more systematic. Not only others, others at home and workplace slowly imitate you and imbibe orderliness.
- Use Zen : Zen is to be “PRESENT IN THE PRESENT”. Lack of Zen is the mother of all disorders.