Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Stroke of appreciation


Every good which is worth possessing by the deeds of others must be paid 
for , by the strokes of appreciation. Appreciating someone is not that difficult. You just need to remember to express your appreciation when the opportunity arises. But how many of us remember to do so?

Voltaire rightly pointed out the merits of appreciation, "Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well." When you appreciate your loved ones, you build a bond of trust and love. Appreciation builds bridges and fosters healthy relationships. 

Renowned motivational speaker Dale Carnegie beautifully expressed the difference between appreciation and flattery. He said, "The difference between appreciation and flattery? That is simple. One is sincere and the other insincere. One comes from the heart out; the other from the teeth out. One is unselfish; the other selfish. One is universally admired; the other universally condemned."

 Dalai Lama says that the roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.

Appreciation at home
Mostly appreciation is the expression which is hardly felt at home. We take all the deeds done by our family members for granted. Take a moment, think of the effort made for the deed and appreciate them. This will not only energize the family member but also improve the quality of the deed for the next time can start at home. When your mother packs you a nutritious lunch, or your dad helps you with homework, show your appreciation with a hug or a smile. When your husband helps you with household chores, or your mother-in-law offers to babysit when you had to go out, express gratitude and  love.

Appreciate Others around You
Appreciate people outside your family too. Give your neighbors credit for ensuring that their dogs did not create a nuisance. Thank the local police for their effort in controlling the crime rate in the neighborhood. You can find many opportunities to express your appreciation. 

Appreciation at work place
This is one of the effective tools of motivation. See the deed in an unbiased angle and appreciate the people for their excellence in work. This creates a happy working environment with bountiful energy.

Benefit for the one who appreciates
 Appreciating someone does not make you less important. This is not a war of ego. Your words of appreciation reveal your humble and generous nature. By appreciating others, your value does not depreciate! On the contrary, you look good in the eyes of others. Your friends and family will remember you for the kind words of appreciation.

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